OnTax Accountant Dunfermline Discuss:

As an accountant dunfermline businesses confide in, we know only too well the headache of managing payroll.
We can help! Not only are our prices competitive when compared to doing it yourself, we can also help, advise and keep you legal too. We are the preferred payroll accountant dunfermline businesses use.
This leaves you time to do more important tasks in your business and provides complete peace of mind too.
Overview Of Why You Need Payroll Services
Your Time - How Much Is It Worth?
HMRC are renowned for telling businesses "you don't need an accountant" (a complete lie as any accountant will tell you!) and to this end they produced their own free software for small businesses.
What they neglected to tell these businesses is that in order to "not need an accountant" the business owner would have to take a crash course in payroll and payroll software. All very well until it all goes wrong or a query arises!
Be In Control - By Outsourcing
All the time being used for these payroll tasks is being diverted from the main task of the business owner i.e earning money.
Our payroll service is designed to put you back in control, freeing up your time to build a profitable business rather than focusing on saving on costs.
Rewards Of Outsourcing Payroll
Registering For PAYE
Info Required
We are an accountant that dunfermline traders employ to register and manage their payroll. Therefore registering you as an employer with HMRC is fairly straightforward for us. The information we require from you varies depending on whether you trade as a limited company or a sole trader.
We shall require your name, address, national insurance number, unique tax reference as well as the date you first started or will start, employing someone. If you are a limited company we will also require your Ltd Co number.
Using the information you have now provided to us, we will register your business for paye with HMRC.
The process can occasionally be done over the phone with HMRC, however, the normal route is to register online.
Registration Particulars
HMRC normally perform some basic checks and will then issue you with two references. One of these is your Employers Reference, this identifies you as an employer.
The other reference is an "accounts office reference". This is the reference you will quote when making payments to HMRC.
Now that you are registered as an employer with HMRC you have some obligations with HMRC. The first one is to issue your employees with a payslip each time you pay them.
The next obligation is to file an "RTi" submission each time you pay employees. RTi stands for "Real Time Information" and as you can imagine, this implies you file it each payday.
The Local Accountant Dunfermline Businesses Use...
30 Years Commercial & Accounting Experience. Having run multiple business ventures I can provide you with advice that will save you fortunes and help ensure your success!
We are your business cheerleader, willing you to succeed and here to help you always!
Why Use Us?
Cost Savings
The overall cost of using us for your payroll needs costs less than buying the software and using your own time to undertake this task.
Save yourself the onerous task of keep up with complex legislation.
We help you comply with payroll laws.
When you compare what your time is worth per hour versus the cost of utilising our payroll services, we bring real value to you by giving you your billable time back.
Your time is valuable, it should be used to generate money (and not to save money). Our solution gives you your time back.
We process hundreds of payrolls each year. We can quickly and efficiently turn your payroll around
Payroll should be easy. But the truth is its very complex, get it wrong and your employees wont be happy. We take that burden off you.